Technology for processing poultry manure and cattle manure with humilat compo
Owners of large poultry complexes receive numerous proposals with various economic justifications for processing poultry manure into biogas, electric energy, fuel briquettes, feed additives, cultivation of California worms, incineration, production of fertilizers, etc. Of all the proposals, only one (economically justified) method can be accepted – the production of organic fertilizers based on poultry manure and cattle manure.
humilat compo is a liquid organic composting preparation, the main active ingredient of which is humic acids obtained from lowland peat.
humilat compo accelerates the composting processes of various organic residues (food waste, poultry manure, cattle manure, other organic waste) and contributes to the formation of compost. It quickly removes unpleasant odors, and the accelerated fermentation process turns the processed raw materials into organic fertilizers that can be used as a soil improver. After applying these organic fertilizers to the soil, the soil is more actively enriched with nutrients and the activity of the soil microflora increases.
humilat compo is suitable for:
– processing of poultry manure and cattle manure in burts;
– for processing poultry manure and cattle manure directly in farms (processing by litter);
– for processing liquid manure in lagoons.

Humilat compo technology for urban wastewater treatment facilities and further sludge utilization
The main method of neutralizing sludge and residue in the world is still burial in sludge receivers. About 300-450 thousand tonnes of residue per year on average are produced by wastewater treatment plants located in large cities with several million people and require an area of about 8-10 ha for their burial. The polygons should be located at a distance of 50-60 km from the wastewater treatment plants. Most often the large cities do not have such sites suitable for waste disposal, but the closest suitable areas are located at a distance of 100-150 km.
Notwithstanding the external attraction, the most generally known-methods of neutralizing excessive active sludge contained in heavy metals (thermal and/or thermochemical treatment) are ecologically unsafe as they more or less pollute the atmosphere as well as they require complicated systems for purification of gas emissions from pollutants and for secondary treatment of sewage. These methods do not provide the utilization of useful organic substances found within sludge for replenishment of humus amount in soil, although humus losses in the top horizon of soil have reached 25 to 56% over the last 100 years in various regions. Other methods of heavy metal removal from sludge have not been practically used in wastewater treatment plants.