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Humilat grow – the next generation agent based on humic substances which are ecologically clean and safe for use (organic compounds composed of sophisticated physical-chemical properties) with a wide spectre of biological activities. The agent is manufactured from lowland peat by oxidating it with a gas mixture (ozone and air gases) and applying cavitation-gravitation treatment. Thus the biologically active substances are preserved and accumulated in high titre, and stabilized with negatively charged humic acid. The extracted product contains 20 (twenty) amino acids, more than 30 (thirty) mineral elements and organic substances including all major microelements as well as vitamins.

Humilat grow efficiency

enhances soil microflora performance, is a good transporter of nutrients from soil to plant
activates metabolic processes in plant
speeds up seed sprouting process and increases germination energy
develops strong root system
boosts immune system, resistance against diseases, radiation and unfavourable weather conditions
reduces crop maturity period by 7-12 days
increases productivity of grain crops, oil plants and legumes starting with 10%
increases vegetable, berry and fruit productivity starting with 20%
increases quality properties of the crop production (oils, proteins, sugar content and similar)
reduces content of chemical, mineral agents as well as plant protection agents applied in cultivation starting with 20%-80%
decreases nitrate content and slows down heavy metal and pesticide accumulation
improves the storage life of cultivated products
ensures faster soil fertility restoration
unlimited expiry date
provides high economic return

Humilat grow utilization

Humilat grow is intended for soil treatment, seed pickling/soaking, root watering, leaf spraying as well as for composting.
Humilat grow is a concentrated agent therefore it should be diluted with water before application.

For soil treatment

Preparation of fertilizer solution: dilute 50 ml concentrated solution with 10 l water. Watering in spring and autumn with 5l fertilizer solution per 1 sq.m.

enhances development of all soil microorganisms ensuring intensive recovery/production of humus in soil and compost
improves soil composition and fertility, reduces acidity
binds technogenic pollutants (mercury, lead compounds, pesticides, radionuclides and others) and inhibits their penetration into plants from soil thus ensuring ecologic purity of the production
Seed soaking

Preparation of fertilizer solution: dilute 1 ml of concentred solution with a glass of water. Seeds should be placed into fabric and soaked for 10-12 hours, afterwards they should be planted into soil.

boosts immune system
increases germination energy and seed germination
enhances growth and sprout development
promotes development of strong root system
noticeably reduces fungal disease invasion into seeds caused by internal infection
Root watering

Preparation of fertilizer solution: dilute 30 ml concentrated solution with 10 l water (1:300). Water the planted seeds, sprouts and grown plants with the prepared solution over the whole vegetation period with an interval of 10-15 days. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 watering procedures. The volume of the solution applied for root watering is the same as for usual watering with water.

increases plant productivity by 15-40% and shortens the maturity period by 10-12 days
Plant leaf spraying

Preparation of fertilizer solution: dilute 30 ml concentrated solution with 10 l water (1:300) and conduct spraying. It is recommended to perform 2-3 spraying procedures over the whole vegetation period with an interval of 10-15 days. Significant energy exchange, photosynthesis, carbon dioxide gas consumption processes as well as absorption of certain quantities of sulphur, nitrogen, boron and other substances occur in plant leaves. The faster the leaf surface develops and the greater its size becomes, the more efficient “plant feeding from air” will be, and accordingly the bigger of the previously mentioned nutrient amount is uptaken by the plant increasing in productivity.


Preparation of fertilizer solution: dilute 50 ml concentrated solution with 10 l water (1:200) and pour over the whole compost pit.

Humilat grow increases the assimilable accumulated nitrogen in compost:

the number of ammonifying bacteria increases by 3-5 times
the number of nitrifying bacteria increases by 3-7 times
Due to improvement of life processes in the freely residing bacteria, the nitrogen fixing abilities increase almost by 10 times, as a result the compost is enriched with available nutritional elements. A large amount of organic acids and carbonic acids is created during the separation process of organic substances and under their impact the difficult accessible mineral compounds of calcium and magnesium are transformed into forms uptaken by plants resulting in essential increase of productivity.

Recommended schemes for treatment

Field crops and vegetables

Peas, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash…

Fruits and berries

Strawberries, currants, apple, pear, cherry…

Ornamental plants and lawns

Indoor house plants, flowers, lawn…


Fast and high-quality compost manufacturing

Recommended schemes for treatment of field crops and vegetables

We recommend to apply humilat grow for achievement of maximum result during soil treatment in autumn and spring by seed soaking, root watering and plant spraying in the vegetative period.

Soil treatment:

Watering rate in spring and autumn with working solution 5 l per 1 sq. m. (the working solution – dilute 50 ml of concentrate with 10 l of water).

CropsSeed treatmentTreatment during vegetative period
Peas, beans,
Place seeds in cloth and soak
8-15 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.
3-fold plant spraying during vegetative period:
1. spraying during sprouting – during formation of 3-5 leaves;
2. spraying during formation of 5-6 leaves during bud formation;
3. spraying during flowering.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
PotatoesTuber treatment before planting.
Working solution 100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water or mordant.
3-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of 5-7 leaves;
2. spraying during bud formation.
3. spraying during flowering.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Tomatoes, aubergines, sweet pepper, summer squash, pattypan squash, pumpkinsPlace seeds in cloth and soak 8-15 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.4-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of 2-4 leaves;
2. spraying during bud formation;
3. spraying during flowering;.
4. spraying during maturity period.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
CucumbersPlace seeds in cloth and soak 8-15 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.4-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of 2-4 leaves;
2. spraying during bud formation stage;
3. spraying during flowering;.
4. spraying at interval of 15 days.
Preparation of working solution: to dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Cabbage, salad Place seeds in cloth and soak 8-12 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.Pour the obtained solution in seedbed, apply it to root system and leaves.
Water with working solution after planting.
3-fold spraying:
1. spraying after 2-3 days since the seedlings were planted;
2. spraying during formation of leaf tap-root-cabbage head;
3. spraying after 10-12 following the second spraying.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Parsley, dill, cress salad, spinach, sorrel, celeryPlace seeds in cloth and soak 8-12 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.2-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of 2-3 leaves;
2. spraying at interval of 10-15 days.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Onions (seedlings, bulb onions) Place seeds in cloth and soak 8-15 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.3-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of 2-3 leaves;
2. and 3. spraying at interval of 10-12 days.
Preparation of working solution: to dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Onion seeds, garlicPlace seeds in cloth and soak 8-15 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.2-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of 2-3 leaves;
2. spraying at interval of 10-15 days.
Volume of working solution depends on sprinkler type (from 50 to 300 ml/sq. m.).
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Place seeds in cloth and soak 8-15 hours, then plant in soil. Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.3-fold spraying:
1. spraying during germination and formation of 1-2 true leaves;
2. spraying during formation of the second true leaf;
3. spraying after 10-15 days following the second spraying.
Volume of working solution depends on sprinkler type (from 50 to 300 ml/sq. m.).
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Beetroot, turnips, radish and other root-crops Soaking time 8-10 hours.
Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.
2-fold plant spraying during vegetative period:
1. spraying during formation of 2-3 true leaves;
2. spraying when plant rows close down.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution
Garden radishSoaking time 8-10 hours.
Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.
3-fold spraying:
1. spraying during germination and formation of 2-3 true leaves;
2. and 3. spraying at interval of 10-15 days.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.
Water melons, melonsSoaking time 8-10 hours.
Working solution 3-4 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.
2-fold spraying:
1. spraying during formation of runners;
2. spraying after 15-20 days.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution.

Recommended schemes for treatment of fruits and vegetables

CropsSoil treatment:
Seed, root treatmentTreatment during vegetative period
StrawberriesRoot fertilization in spring and autumn.
Working solution rate 5-10 l per 1 sq.m.
Working solution – dilute 70-100 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water.
Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting.
Working solution 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water.
1. treatment – spray the shrubs with obtained solution (watering can) in the evening.
Preparation of working solution for 1. treatment: pour 10 l of water over 70 ml of fertilizing agent.
2. treatment – in the evening after 3 days following the first treatment. Preparation of working solution for 2. treatment: pour 10 l of water over 35 ml of fertilizing agent.
All subsequent treatments at interval of 10-15 days, the ratio of working solution as for 2. treatment.
High bush blueberriesRoot fertilization in spring and autumn. Working solution rate 8-10 litres per each shrub depending on age.
Working solution – dilute 40-60 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water.
Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting.
Working solution 60 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water.
4-fold spraying:
1. spraying before flowering;
2. spraying after 5-7 days following the flowering stage;
3. spraying after 10-15 following the second spraying.
4. spraying during berry ripening stage.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of concentration with 10 l of water. Utilization rate for spraying: 0,2-0,5 l/shrub (depending on shrub size). For watering: 3-10 l/shrub (depending on shrub size).
Currants Gooseberries Raspberries
Sea buckthorn
Root fertilization in spring and autumn. Work solution rate 5-10 litres per each shrub depending on age. Working solution – dilute 40-60 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water.Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting.
Working solution 60 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water.
3-fold spraying:
1. spraying before flowering stage;
2. spraying after 5-7 days following the flowering stage;
3. spraying during berry maturation.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of concentrate with 10 l of water. Utilization rate for spraying: 0,2-0,5 l/shrub (depending on shrub size). For watering: 3-10 l/shrub (depending on shrub size).
Root fertilization in spring and autumn. Working solution rate 10-40 l per each tree depending on age. 
Working solution – dilute 100-150 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water.
Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting.
Working solution 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water.
4-fold spraying:
1. spraying during bud formation;
2. spraying after 5-7 days before the flowering stage;
3. spraying during physiological drop off of ovaries;
4. spraying during intensive fruit growth.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray leaves of 7-10 trees with obtained solution.
vine tree
Root fertilization in spring applying treatment of spaces between rows. Working solution rate 10-15 l per each vine depending on age. Working solution 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water.Soaking time for sproutings 24 hours before planting.
Working solution 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water.
3-fold spraying:
1. spraying during bud formation.
2. spraying after the flowering stage;
3. spraying during fruit maturation.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray leaves of 7-10 seedlings with obtained solution.
Citrus plantsRoot fertilization in spring applying treatment of spaces between rows. Working solution rate 10-20 l per each plant depending on age. Working solution: dilute 100-150 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water.Soaking time for seedling roots 10-12 hours before planting.
Working solution 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water.
4-fold spraying:
1. spraying after 5-7 days following the flowering stage;
2. spraying in the start of ovary drop off;
3. and 4. spraying at interval of 2-3 weeks.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray leaves of 7-10 trees with obtained solution.

Recommended schemes for treatment of ornamental plants and lawns with humilat grow

CropsSoil treatment:Seed, root, bulb treatmentTreatment during vegetative period
Soil treatment:
Watering rate in spring and autumn with working solution 5 l per 1 sq. m. (working solution – dilute 30 ml of concentration with 10 l of water).
Soaking time for seedling roots and bulbs 10-12 hours before planting.
Working solution 4-10 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.
2-fold spraying flowers in vegetative period:
1. spraying during germination;
2. spraying during bud formation.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the plant leaves with obtained solution.
Consumption of working solution for spraying 5-7 l/100 sq. m.
For watering: 20 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water.
The amount of applied working solution is the same as for usual watering with water.
Root fertilization in spring and autumn. Watering rate in spring and autumn with working solution 5 l per 1 sq. m. (working solution – dilute 30 ml of concentration with 10 l of water).Soaking time for seedling roots and bulbs 10-12 hours before planting.
Working solution 4-10 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.

4-fold spraying:
1. spraying in the beginning of vegetative period;
2. spraying after 10-12 days;
3. spraying during bud formation;
4. spraying after flowering stage.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray plant leaves with obtained solution.
Consumption of working solution 5-7 l/100 sq. m
For watering: 20 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water.
The amount of applied working solution is the same as for usual watering with water.
Indoor house plantsSoaking time for seedling roots and bulbs 10-12 hours before planting.
Working solution 4-10 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.

Application once per month:
- preparation of working solution for plant spraying: dilute 5-8 ml of fertilizing agent with 1 l of water and spray the plant leaves with the obtained solution until leaf surfaces are completely wet;
- for watering: 2 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water. The amount of applied working solution is the same as for usual watering with water.
RosesRoot fertilization in spring and autumn. Working solution rate 4-5 l per shrub (working solution – dilute 30 ml of concentrate with 10 l of water).Soaking time for sproutings and seedlings 10-15 hours before planting.
Working solution 8-10 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 l of water.
4-fold spraying:
1. spraying in the beginning of vegetative period;
2. spraying during bud formation;
3. spraying after the flowering stage and pruning;
4. spraying after the second flowering and pruning.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray plant leaves with obtained solution.
Consumption of working solution 5-7 l/100 sq. m.
For watering: 20 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water.
Working solution rate 10-20 l per 10 sq. m.
LawnPre-treatment before winter period at the end of vegetative stage enhances sugar content in grass shoot nodes which significantly increases frost resistance if winter has little snow.Soaking time for seeds 10-12 hours before planting.
Working solution 10 ml of fertilizing agent per 1 litre of water. Dry out the seeds in air before sowing until loose condition.
Spraying new grass:
1-spraying during germination (4-5 cm);
Next – after mowing.
Spraying the existing lawn:
1. spraying in early spring in the start of vegetative period;
Next – after mowing.
Preparation of working solution: dilute 30-40 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water and spray the lawn with obtained solution. Consumption of working solution for spraying 5-7 l/100 sq. m. Watering: 20 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water. Working solution rate 10-20 l per 10 sq. m.
Ornamental conifer plantsRoot fertilization in spring and autumn. Working solution rate 10-40 l per each tree depending on age. 
Working solution- dilute 80-100 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water.
Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting.
Working solution 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water.
Spraying should be carried out after 2-3 weeks following planting, then repeat every two weeks from the beginning of May and continue until the end of August. Working solution – dilute 30 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water. The existing conifer plants need to be treated at interval of 14 days in spring and summer. The fertilizer is easily taken up, enhances stable growth, improves the tree health and the green colour of needles. It should be noted that this fertilizing agent is compatible with all pesticides, therefore it can be used in tank mixtures thus reducing the number of treatments.

Humilat grow as biological compost activator

Humilat grow – the agent which accelerates the complicated disintegration process of organic compounds in compost manufacturing. Enhances quicker and more adequate compost maturation. Significantly improves the quality of obtainable substrates. Maintains active microflora, elevated content of ferments and enzymes in substrate in the long term ensuring high biological activity and nutritional properties. Inhibits development of infectious microflora reducing the number of harmful compounds in substrate. A large quantity of organic acids and carbonic acids is formed during disintegration of organic matter. Under their influence the difficultly available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium mineral compounds transform into the forms available to plants resulting in significantly increased yields.

Application scheme: watering the composting material with working solution: dilute 50-100 ml of concentration with 10 l of water. Consumption of working solution: 20 l per 1 m3. Application frequency: depending on composting methodology: 1-2 times per month; depending on when fresh material is replenished; carry out watering when dried out.