Humilat grow – the next generation agent based on humic substances which are ecologically clean and safe for use (organic compounds composed of sophisticated physical-chemical properties) with a wide spectre of biological activities. The agent is manufactured from lowland peat by oxidating it with a gas mixture (ozone and air gases) and applying cavitation-gravitation treatment. Thus the biologically active substances are preserved and accumulated in high titre, and stabilized with negatively charged humic acid. The extracted product contains 20 (twenty) amino acids, more than 30 (thirty) mineral elements and organic substances including all major microelements as well as vitamins.
Humilat grow efficiency
Effects on soil
Pre-treatment of seed material before sowing
Seed treatment with humilat grow as mordant
Activation of growth processes due to synthesis of gibberellins and auxins
Universal adhesive
Improvement of grain respiration
Source of microelements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
Activation of growth processes
Effects on plant
Humilat grow effect on basic plant feeding
It is known that any crop yield in agriculture is a complex indicator which is ensured both on the level of a separate cell and by totality of various processes in plant’s organism:
Humilat grow — acceptable solution to complex crop problems
Effective utilization of straw
Compatibility with mineral fertilizers and plant protection agents.
Humilat grow enhances mutual chemical interactions in soil and stimulates the growth of its favourable microorganisms due to which the availability of nutritional components increases in the plants which are associated with the soil organic and mineral matter and the organic and mineral fertilizers incorporated into soil. Moreover, humilat grow forms immobile complexes with a range of harmful substances, for example, heavy metals thus preventing their transfer into food products.
Humilat grow properties
The humic acids contained in humilat grow are natural complex creators,
which enhance:
Efficiency in fight against diseases of cultivated plants
Plant treatment before the winter period
Usefulness of treatment in autumn
The best way to ensure the winter crops with nutrient elements is the crop spraying with humilat grow in autumn because it contains all necessary microelements in the optimal amount.
Application of the fertilizing agent in autumn to winter wheat and canola ensures:
The positive effects of pre-winter processing plants
Activation of growth processes due to synthesis of gibberellins and auxins
Carbon source for formation of humus layer
Enhancement of soil microbial activity
Plant genome stabilization
Enhancement of plant metabolic activity
Application in early spring
Humilat grow as an agent for prevention of early spring problems
In spring the winter crops need assistance in three ways:
Recommended schemes for treatment
Field crops
Wheat, rye, barley, oats …Vegetables
Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash …Fruits and berries
Strawberries, apple, plum, cherry …Recommended schemes for treatment of field crops
Soil treatment:
1) Soil treatment in autumn
Option 1.
Straw processing. Consumption: 5 l of fertilizing agent plus 5 kg carbamide in 200-250 l water per 1 ha (see manual for straw processing).
Option 2.
After germination, treatment with tank mixture – 2 l/ha glyphosate plus 2 l/ha of fertilizing agent. Working solution rate 200-250 l/ha.
Option 3.
In complex with (or without) mineral and/or organic fertilizer. Preparation of working solution: 3-5 l of fertilizing agent in 200-250 l water per 1 ha.
2) Soil treatment in spring
Option 1.
Pre-sowing cultivation in complex with (or without) mineral and organic fertilizer. Preparation of the working solution: 2-3 l of fertilizing agent in 200-250 l of water per 1 ha.
Option 2.
In spring the winter crops are sprayed in complex with herbicide. Consumption: 2 l of fertilizing agent in 200-250 l of water per 1 ha.
Seed treatment:
Seed treatment with any mordant before sowing. Consumption: 1-2* l of fertilizing agent per 1 tonne of seeds.
*- consumption rate depends on crop species and type.
Crops | Treatment during vegetative period |
Winter wheat Winter rye Winter barley Winter triticales | 3-fold plant spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying in autumn with insecticide to combat virus carriers; 2. spraying during leaf expansion – the start of stem elongation; 3. spraying during flowering stage, the start of milk stage of ripeness. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Oats Spring wheat Spring barley | 2-fold plant spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during leaf expansion; 2. spraying during spike development, the start of milk stage of ripeness; Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Corn for grain | 2-fold plant spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination, during 2-4 leaf development; 2. spraying during spike development, the flowering stage. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Canola Winter canola | 3-fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination, during formation of the first 2 true leaves; 2. spraying in the start of leaf crown development, during branching; 3. spraying during bud formation. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season carrying out 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Spring canola Spring Swede rape | 3- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination, during formation of the first 2 true leaves; 2. spraying in the start of leaf crown development, during branching; 3. spraying during bud formation. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season carrying out 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Peas Beans Lentil | 3- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination, during formation of 3-5 leaves; 2. spraying during formation of 5-6 leaves, during bud formation; 3. spraying during flowering stage. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season carrying out 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha |
Soya | 3-fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination, during formation of the first 2-3 true leaves; 2. spraying during stem elongation, in the start of bud formation. 3. spraying during bud formation. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha |
Clover | 3-fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination; 2. spraying during growth; 3. spraying during stem elongation. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Alfaalfa | 3-fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination, plant growth; 2. spraying during stem elongation; 3. spraying during bud formation. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Siderate mixture | 3-fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination; 2. and 3. spraying at interval of 15 days. Preparation of working solution: to dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent in 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season carrying out 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Buckwheat | 2- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during branching, in the start of bud formation. 2. spraying after 10-14 days following the first spraying. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Rice | 2- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during spike development; 2. Spraying after 10-14 days following the first spraying. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Sorgo | 2- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during leaf expansion – in the start of stem elongation; 2. spraying during spike development, during flowering. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season carrying out 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Sunflower | 3- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during germination; 2. spraying after development of 3-4 pairs of true leaves; 3. spraying at interval of 10-15 days. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season carrying out 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Flax | 3- fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during inflorescence development; 2. and 3. spraying at interval of 15 days. Preparation of working solution: to dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Recommended schemes for treatment of vegetables
Soil treatment:
1) Soil treatment in autumn
Soil treatment in complex with (or without) mineral and/or organic fertilizer. Preparation of working solution: 3-5 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water per 1 ha.
2) Soil treatment in spring
For cultivation before sowing in complex with (or without) mineral and/or organic fertilizer. Preparation of working solution: 2-3 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water per 1 ha. Preparation of working solution: 2-3 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water per 1 ha.
Crops | Seed treatment | Treatment during vegetative period |
Potatoes | Tuber treatment before planting. Working solution rate 40 l per 1 tonne of seeds. Preparation of working solution: 0,1 l of fertilizing agent per 10 l water or mordant. | 3-fold spraying: 1. spraying during 5-7 leaf development; 2. spraying during inflorescence stage. 3. spraying during flowering stage. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Tomatoes Aubergine Summer squash Patypan squash | Soaking time 8-15 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l water. Consumption: 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | 4-fold spraying: 1. spraying during 2-4 leaf development; 2. spraying during inflorescence stage; 3. spraying during flowering stage;. 4. spraying during maturity stage. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 4-fold treatment is 2,8-4 l/ha. |
Cucumbers | Soaking time 8-15 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l water. Consumption: 1 l of fertilizing agent per 1 kg of seeds. | 4-fold spraying: 1. spraying during 2-4 leaf development; 2. spraying during inflorescence stage; 3. spraying during flowering stage;. 4. spraying with 15 day interval. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 3-fold treatment is 2,8-4 l/ha . |
Cabbage Salad | Soaking time 8-12 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water. Consumption: 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | Pour the obtained solution in seedbed, apply it to the root system and leaves. Spray with the working solution after planting. 3-fold spraying: 1. spraying after 2-3 days following the planting of seedlings; 2. spraying during formation of leaf tap-root - cabbage head; 3. spraying after 10-12 days following the second spraying. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Onions (for seedlings, onion bulbs) | Soaking time 8-15 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water. Consumption of working solution 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | 3-fold spraying: 1. spraying during 2-3 leaf development; 2. and 3. spraying at interval of 10-12 days. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Onions for seeds Garlic | Soaking time 8-15 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water. Consumption of working solution 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | 2-fold spraying: 1. spraying during 2-3 leaf development; 2. spraying at interval of 10-15 days. Volume of working solution depends on sprinkler type (from 50 to 300 ml/sq.m.). Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Carrots | Soaking time 8-10 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of agent per 10 l of water. Consumption of working solution 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | 3-fold spraying: 1. spraying during sprouting stage and formation of 1-2 true leaves; 2. spraying during formation of the second true leaf; 3. spraying after 10-15 days following the second spraying. Volume of working solution depends on sprinkler type (from 50 to 300 ml/sq.m.). Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Salad beetroot | For seed disinfection before sowing in complex with any mordants. Consumption of working solution 1 l per 1 tonne of seeds Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,2 l of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water. | 2-fold spraying during vegetative period: 1. spraying during formation of 2-3 true leaves; 2. spraying in plant rows closing down. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Sugar beet | For seed disinfection before sowing in complex with any mordants. Consumption of working solution 10 l per 1 tonne of seeds. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,2 l of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water. | 2-fold plant spraying in vegetation period: 1. spraying during formation of 2-3 true leaves; 2. spraying stage during formation of 4 pairs of true leaves, in plant rows closing down. Preparation of working solution: to dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent in 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Garden raddish | Soaking time 8-10 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water. Consumption of working solution 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | 3-fold spraying: 1. spraying during sprouting stage and during development of 2-3 true leaves; 2. and 3. spraying at interval of 10-15 days. Preparation of working solution: to dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 3-fold treatment is 2,1-3 l/ha. |
Watermelons Melons | Soaking time 8-12 hours. Preparation of working solution: 10-40 ml of fertilizing agent per 10 l of water. Consumption of working solution: 1 l per 1 kg of seeds. | 2-fold spraying: 1. spraying during tendril development; 2. spraying after 15-20 days. Preparation of working solution: dilute 0,7-1 l of fertilizing agent with 200-250 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. Total consumption of fertilizing agent during the season with 2-fold treatment is 1,4-2 l/ha. |
Recommended schemes for treatment of fruits and vegetables
Crops | Soil treatment: | Seed, root treatment | Treatment in vegetation period |
Strawberries | Root fertilization in spring and autumn. Working solution rate 5-10 l to 1 sq.m. Working solution: dilute 70-100 ml of fertilizing agent with 10 l of water. | Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting Working solution: 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water. | 1. treatment – foliar watering with the obtained solution (watering can). Preparation of working solution for 1.treatment: pour 10 l of water over 70 ml of fertilizing agent. 2. treatment – in the evening 3 days after the first treatment. Preparation of working solution for 2. treatment: pour 10 l of water over 35ml of fertilizing agent. All subsequent treatments at interval of 10-15 days, the working solution ratio as for 2. treatment. (If automatic watering system is used, the working solution concentration may be reduced by 2 times). |
Apple-tree Pear-tree Cherry-tree Plum-tree Quince Fig tree Peach tree Apricot tree | Root fertilization in spring and autumn. Working solution rate 10-40 l per each tree depending on age. Working solution: dilute 100-200 g of fertilizing agent with 10 l water. | Soaking time for seedling roots 24 hours before planting. Working solution: 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water. | 4-fold spraying: 1. spraying during inflorescence development; 2. spraying after 5-7 days after flowering; 3. spraying during physiological ovaries drop off; 4. spraying during intensive fruit growth. Consumption of working solution: 1000-1200 l/ha per one treatment. Preparation of working solution: dilute 1,5-2 l of fertilizing agent with 1000-1200 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. (If automatic watering system is used, the working solution concentration may be reduced by 2 times). |
Grape vine tree | In spring – during treatment of spaces between rows, 2 l/ha of fertilizing agent, working solution rate 200-250 l/ha | Soaking time for cuttings 24 hours before planting. Working solution: 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water. | 3-fold spraying: 1. spraying during inflorescence development. 2. spraying after flowering; 3. spraying during berry ripening. Consumption of working solution: 1000-1200 l/ha per one treatment. Preparation of working solution: dilute 1,5-2 l of fertilizing agent with 1000-1200 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. (If automatic watering system is used, the working solution concentration may be reduced by 2 times). |
Citrus plants | In spring- carrying out treatment of spaces between rows - 2 l/ha of fertilizing agent, working solution rate 200-250 l/ha | Soaking time for seedling roots 10-12 hours before planting. Working solution: 50-100 ml of fertilizing agent per 10-20 l of water. | 4-fold spraying: 1. spraying in 5-7 days after flowering; 2. spraying during ovaries drop off; 3. and 4. Spraying with 2-3 week interval. Consumption of working solution: 1000-1200 l/ha per one treatment. Preparation of working solution: dilute 1,5-2 l of fertilizing agent with 1000-1200 l of water and apply the obtained solution to 1 ha. (If automatic watering system is used, the working solution concentration may be reduced by 2 times). |